What is imported when a MIDI file has lyrics?

MIDI files can be imported into NoteWorthy Composer song files using the File|Import command. However, MIDI files are not notation based files. They generally contain raw performance data that represents exactly how a song should be played, but not really how it should be notated.

MIDI files can optionally include text events, including text identified as Lyric Text. Text that is included in a MIDI file is not associated with any particular note pitch or duration, and can appear anywhere in the file, even if no instrument/note performance data is present. Lyric text in a MIDI file simply identifies a chronological sequence of syllables that should be sung with the song, and the time at which each syllable should start to be sung. The actual length of time that each syllable is sung is not specified in the MIDI file (although it obviously does not extend beyond the start time of the next syllable). These syllables might correspond to note events that are also included in the MIDI file, but there is no rule that it must be this way.

So, what does this all have to do with NoteWorthy Composer? Well, since lyric text is not bounded/framed by any other MIDI performance data, NoteWorthy Composer imports each lyric track into a separate lyric-only staff when importing MIDI data into NWC format. Each lyric-only staff imported into NoteWorthy Composer has the following properties:

In addition, NoteWorthy Composer will try to layer an imported lyric staff with the corresponding note data that matches the lyric. This does not always work very well, due to the inherent limitations described earlier in this article. NoteWorthy Composer uses the following scheme when layering a lyric staff with a notation staff during import:

After an import is completed, you can try several things to improve the results of the lyric import:

See faq #89 for details lyrics in *kar files (Karaoke Files).

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