Repeated Sections (Special Endings, Flow Direction, Repeats)

NoteWorthy Composer supports three different kinds of repeated sections:

  1. Master Repeats
    These are performed between bar lines that are designated as Master Repeat Open and Master Repeat Close. Special Endings are used to control the flow at the end of each repeat. Insert: Bar Line Decorated... and Insert: Special Ending...

  2. Local Repeats
    These are performed between bar lines that are designated as Local Repeat Open and Local Repeat Close. There are not any special flow control mechanisms within a local repeat. Insert: Bar Line Decorated...

  3. Flow Direction
    These sections are performed in traditional performance fashion. You can label a section with a Coda, and then use Da capo or Dal Segno instructions to control the flow of play back between the direction marks. Insert: Flow Direction.

In the NoteWorthy Composer program, see the 4 files REPEAT1.nwc - REPEAT4.nwc (File: Open Sample) for examples. Look at File: Info for each file for a detailed explanation.

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