Order NoteWorthy Composer
A license for NoteWorthy Composer Version 2 can be purchased for USD $49 by registering the product with NoteWorthy Software, Inc. This product is delivered via fast online download. The full program on CD is also available for an additional USD $10 with your original order.
- Submit your order online with our secure web form.
If you have recently placed an order, you can check on its status and access your download from your order status page. - Send this completed order form.
Other Ordering Options
There are a couple of other special case ordering options:
- Order NoteWorthy Composer as a Gift
- Site License Pricing
- Registered Users: See the Upgrade Page for details.
Delivery: The software is delivered via fast online download. An Authenticity License Certificate is issued at the time of download. We recommend that you print this for your records. If a CD is ordered, it will be sent via First Class in the United States and via Air Mail outside of the United States, and includes a printed copy of your Authenticity License Certificate.
Taxes: Sales tax is charged to any order shipping to a North Carolina address. Orders outside of North Carolina may be subject to tax by the receiving jurisdiction's taxing authority. We are not responsible for any charges (taxes, customs fees, etc.) imposed by other governments. If you are unsure about how a package that arrives in your jurisdiction is handled, you should inquire with your post office, customs office, or other governing authority to find out how this is handled. We cannot help you with this.
Privacy Policy
Privacy: Information you provide on the order form will be strictly confidential. We will not sell or otherwise provide your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address to other groups or individuals.