Moving NWC to a new computer
When transferring to a new machine:
Transfer your *.nwc song files to the new computer (note that you must do this manually)
Uninstall NWC from the old computer
Install NWC onto your new computer
Use the disk that we sent you (diskette or CD-ROM) or the back-up file you made from the download. Or, the original setup/install program can be found in the Setups sub-folder of the NWC2 program files. This is generally the "C:\Program Files\NoteWorthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\Setups" folder.
Once you are working on your new computer, you might want to make adjustments to your preferred options. Simply visit the Tools, Options area, and review your settings for the options in each tab.
If you have lost the disk or do not have the back-up file, registered users are eligible for upgrade/replacement CD. You will have to identify your prior purchase/registration mailing address during the process.
Or, if you have not used up your original download allotment, you can get an automatic download extension by using your NWC2 authenticity label
License Authorization and Validation
If you purchased Version 1.75b and 1.75c - Version 1 License Authorization and Validation