You are viewing the included help system in NoteWorthy Composer Version 2.75a

About Path Expansion

The following prefixes are natively supported in most file and folder names specified in the prgram configuration. The prefix is only supported at the start of the path name.

:home:This is the home folder for your user account in the computer.
:docs:This is your user documents folder.
:appdata:This is a standard Windows folder available to your user account.
:localappdata:This is a standard Windows folder available to your user account.
:programdata:This references the system's shared program data folder.
:programfiles:This references the system's 32-bit program files area.
:program:This references the base NoteWorthy Composer program folder.
:temp:This is standard location for creating temporary files. In newer systems, it is generally unique to your user account.

You can also embed Windows environment variables into a file or folder path.

See Also

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