You are viewing the included help system in NoteWorthy Composer Version 2.75a

Keyboard Guide

The following are the common quick key lists for use in the program.

Common Editor Shortcuts

The following quick keys are generally available when editing a score:

Alt+F8 User Tools
Ctrl+Alt+F8 Repeats the last User Tool that was executed
Enter Adds a note at the insertion point
Space Adds a rest at the insertion point
Ctrl+Enter Adds a chord member at the insertion point
Alt+Enter Opens a property dialog for the currently selected item(s)
Tab Adds a standard bar line at the insertion point
* Adds a standard bar line at the insertion point
[ Adds a multi-measure rest at the insertion point
] Add a boundary change at the insertion point
Insert Add space before the insertion point
1 Selects a whole note for the running note duration
2 Selects a half note for the running note duration
3 Selects a quarter note for the running note duration
4 Selects a eighth note for the running note duration
5 Selects a sixteenth note for the running note duration
6 Selects a thirty-second note for the running note duration
7 Toggles the natural sign for note entry
8 Toggles the flat sign for note entry
9 Toggles the sharp sign for note entry
( Toggles the courtesy indicator for accidentals
! Toggles the accent note attribute
; Toggles the outbound slur note attribute
, (comma) Toggles the staccato note attribute
_ (underscore) Toggles the tenuto note attribute
/ (forward slash) Toggles the note tie outward status for note entry
\ (backslash) Opens the color select menu
. (period) Cycles the dotted note status for note entry. Will also cycle the double dot if it appears next to the dot in a tool bar.
Shift+Up Toggles the upward note stem attribute
Shift+Down Toggles the downward note stem attribute
< Toggles the graphic/hairpin Crescendo note attribute
> Toggles the graphic/hairpin Diminuendo note attribute
A,a Opens the note accidental selector
B,b Adds a styled standard bar line at the insertion point ('b' opens a selector)
C,c Adds a bass or treble clef ('c' opens a selector)
D,d Adds dynamics such as ppp or mf ('d' opens a selector)
E,e Adds tempo variances, such as fermata and accel. ('e' opens a selector)
F,f Adds flow direction symbols such as To Coda
G,g Adds a time signature designation ('g' opens a selector)
I,i Adds a change of instrument
J,j Adds a Custom Object
K,k Adds a key signature ('k' opens a selector)
L,l Adds a generic MIDI controller
M,m Opens a mute list for the current score
P,p Adds a performance style, such as Legato
Q,q Opens the notehead selector
R,r Review the score in a list format
S,s Adds special endings
T,t Adds tempo designations
U,u Adds sustain pedal symbols ('u' opens a selector)
W,w Opens the note duration selector
X,x Adds a text expression of your choice
Y,y Adds dynamic variance, such as crescendo
Alt+Backspace Performs an Undo operation
Ctrl+F Find items on the staff
F3 Find the next item on the staff
Ctrl+V Pastes the contents of the clipboard
Shift+Ctrl+V Starts a new file with the contents of the clipboard
Ctrl+A Create a new staff
Ctrl+D Remove the current staff
Ctrl+G Moves the insertion point to a measure that you specify
Ctrl+J Opens the Manage Objects window
Ctrl+N Create a new score
Ctrl+O Opens an existing score file
Ctrl+S Saves the currently active score
Ctrl+Y Performs a Redo of a previous Undo operation
Ctrl+Z Performs an Undo operation
F9 Redraws (refresh) the active score
Ctrl+F9 Redraws (refresh) the active staff
0 Clears the note accidental, tie, and dot status parameters
+ (plus) Shifts the running note duration to next larger duration
- (minus) Shifts the running note duration to next smaller duration
Home Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the active staff
Ctrl+Home Changes the active staff to the first staff in the system
End Moves the insertion point to the end of the active staff
Ctrl+End Changes the active staff to the last staff in the system
Ctrl+↔ Moves the insertion point to the prior/next bar
Shift+↔ Selects notation as the insertion point moves
Page Up/Down Select the prior/next active staff
Alt+Plus Zoom in
Alt+Minus Zoom out
Alt+Equal Zoom
F1 Shows this help file
F4 Records MIDI input while the current score is played
Shift+F5 Plays just the active staff (featured play of the current staff)
F5 Plays the active score
Shift+F6 Pauses the currently playing score
F6 Stops play/shuts off stuck notes
Ctrl+F4 Closes the active window
Ctrl+F6 Switches to the previous score window
F11 Toggles Viewer Mode in the editor

Common Shortcuts While Editing Existing Selected Notation

The following keys are available when notation has been selected:

Menu key Opens a context menu
Alt+EnterCtrl+E Opens a property dialog for the currently selected item(s)
Ctrl+X Cuts the selection and places it in the clipboard
Ctrl+C Copies the selection into the clipboard
Ctrl+Del Clears the selection
Ctrl+B Beams the selected notes
Ctrl+T Converts the selected notes into triplets
Backspace Removes the currently selected notes
Shift+Ctrl+↕ Slides the selection of notes up or down on the staff
Alt+↕ Change a selected note's stem length
Alt+↔ Change a selected note's note spacing
Alt+Shift+↔ Change a selected note's accidental spacing

Common Shortcuts While Editing Existing Notation without Selection

These commands do specific things when notation is not currently selected:

Menu key Opens a context menu
Ctrl+L Opens the lyric editor dialog for the active staff
Delete Deletes the notation item to the right of the insertion point
Backspace Deletes the notation item to the left of the insertion point
Ctrl+Backspace Deletes the chord member just behind the insertion point
Ctrl+↕ Moves the insertion point up or down by an octave
Shift+Ctrl+↕ Shifts the running note duration to next duration
F2 Open the Staff Properties dialog

Property Sheet Shortcuts

These keys are available when you are inside a property dialog box (where tabs are present):

Ctrl+Page Down Advances to the next tab
Ctrl+Page Up Advances to the previous tab
Alt+Home Jumps to the first tab
Ctrl+Tab Advances to the next tab
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Advances to the previous tab

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