You are viewing the included help system in NoteWorthy Composer Version 2.75a

Flow Direction Symbol Command

Da capo, Dal Segno, Coda, and Fine instructions are added into the staff with this command. The symbols associated with each command are automatically placed in an appropriate vertical orientation.

These symbols must be added to each staff in the score in order to produce the desired play back result. Several examples of repeated sections are available in the Samples folder in the application directory. They are named REPEATx.NWC, where x is a single numeric digit.

The exact instructions supported by this command include:

Segno: This places a Segno symbol into the staff. This marks the place where play should resume after a Dal Segno instruction (which includes Dal Segno, D.S. al Coda, or D.S. al Fine instructions) is encountered during playback. This marker is ignored unless a Dal Segno mark is used to redirect playback to this marker later in the score.

Coda: This places a Coda mark into the score. This item is ignored by itself. It is used to mark the location where play will resume after a To Coda instruction is performed.

To Coda: This places an instruction into the staff that tells the performer to advance to the Coda mark that appears elsewhere in the score. This instruction is ignored if neither a Da capo nor Dal Segno has been performed. After a D.C. or D.S. instruction is performed, this instruction will send playback to the Coda mark, which generally appears immediately after the D.C. or D.S. instruction. Once a To Coda is performed, master repeat loops are again possible.

Da capo:
D.C. al Coda:
D.C. al Fine: These instructions are all considered to be Da capo, or D.C., instructions. When encountered, playback will be redirected back to the beginning of the song. After this instruction, all master repeats will be ignored, and only special endings marked with a D. will be performed. These items should not be mixed with Dal Segno instructions in the same song. Attempts to do so will yield unpredictable results.

Dal Segno:
D.S. al Coda:
D.S. al Fine: These instructions are all considered to be Dal Segno, or D.S., instructions. When encountered, playback will be redirected back to the Segno mark that should be placed earlier in the song. After this instruction, all master repeats will be ignored, and only special endings marked with a D. will be performed. These items should not be mixed with Da capo instructions in the same song. Attempts to do so will yield unpredictable results.

Fine: This item is used to stop playback of a song after a Da capo or Dal Segno instruction has been performed. This item is ignored in all other cases.

See Also

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