You are viewing the included help system in NoteWorthy Composer Version 2.75a

Find Command

This command is used to find stuff. The quickest way to initiate a find sequence is by using Ctrl+F. Once the find criteria is found and executed the first time, the Find Next command can be used to quickly locate each successive matching element in the current staff.

Search Direction

There are three different find directions that can be used:

  1. Current staff only searches foreard in the current staff
  2. Right then down is like the first method, but will continue to search lower staves after the current staff has been searched to its end
  3. Down then right searches chronoligically in all parts, starting with the current staff position

Simple Expressions

You can find almost anything on a staff, one item at a time. For simple text find operations, simply type in the text you want to find and the text in the active staff will be compared with the text you entered. You can place an asterisk (*) in your string and it will act as a wildcard character, matching anything in that position of the text.

Each item on the staff also has a text representation. You can see a staff item's text representation by selecting any single item on a staff, then starting the Find command. The full matching text description of the object is shown in the find expression. By replacing parts of the text with an asterisk (*), a wild card match criteria can be created and used for the search. By starting your expression with a vertical bar (|) followed by the text label that represents the object, the search will use the clip text representation of each object for matching against your expression.


You can also use parentheses to match a one of several possible text strings. Each possible match should be separated by an asterisk. For example:

Advanced PCRE Expressions

Sophisticated match expressions can also be built using standard Perl Compatible Regular Expressions, or PCRE for short. Any expression that starts with a slash (/) will be matched using PCRE. When using PCRE, remember to escape the vertical bars (|) used in NWC object text with a backslash (\). Some example PCRE expressions:

See Also

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