You are viewing the included help system in NoteWorthy Composer Version 2.75a

Tool Bar Reference Guide

The following tool buttons can appear on the tool bars. The tool bars can be customized via the View, Toolbars command.

Create a new song file
Opens an existing song file
Saves the active score
Saves all open files that have changed
Setup the current printer
Go to Page Setup
Preview what the printed page will look like
Prints the active score
Opens the Info dialog for the active score
Redraws (refresh) the active score
Add a new staff to the current view of the score
Remove the current staff from the score
Toggles the mute status for the current staff
Cuts the selection and places it in the clipboard
Copies the selection into the clipboard
Pastes the contents of the clipboard
Undo the previous operation
Redo the previous Undo operation
Opens the lyric configuration editor
Starts a MIDI recording while playing back the active score
Plays the active score
Pause the currently playing score
Stops playing of the score
Viewer Mode (a flat print-like view with editing support)
Layering in Edit Mode
Zoom in on the active score
Zoom out on the active score
Specify the zoom level in pixels
Cascades all open windows
Tiles all open windows
Configures the persistence of various buttons in the note entry palette
Selects the color for new noteheads and items
Opens the note accidental selector
Opens the note duration selector
Opens the notehead glyph selector
Toggles the natural sign for note entry
Toggles the flat sign for note entry
Toggles the sharp sign for note entry
Toggles the double sharp sign for note entry
Toggles the double flat sign for note entry
Toggles the courtesy indicator for accidentals
Selects a whole note duration for use during note entry
Selects a half note duration for use during note entry
Selects a quarter note duration for use during note entry
Selects a eighth note duration for use during note entry
Selects a sixteenth note duration for use during note entry
Selects a 32nd note duration for use during note entry
Selects a 64th note duration for use during note entry
Selects the standard notehead for use during note entry
Selects the X notehead for use during note entry
Selects the harmonic (open diamond) notehead for use during note entry
Selects a blank space notehead for use during note entry
Selects the non-pitched notehead for use during note entry
Selects the diamond notehead for use during note entry
Toggles the dotted note status for note entry
Toggles the double dot note status for note entry
Turns the selected notes into grace notes
Slurs the selected notes
Toggles the note tie outward status for note entry
Makes the selected notes staccatissimo
Makes the selected notes staccato
Makes the selected notes tenuto
Adds marcato to the selected notes
Accents the selected notes
Beams the selected notes
Converts the selected notes into triplets
Places upward stems on new or selected notes
Places downward stems on new or selected notes
Adds a Crescendo hairpin graphic to selected notes between dynamic marks
Adds a Diminuendo hairpin graphic to notes between dynamic marks
Add a note onto the staff using the currently selected duration
Add a chord member to the existing note or rest to the left of the insertion point
Add a rest onto the staff using the currently selected duration
Rest selector
Add a multi-measure rest onto the staff
Interactively insert a clef
Clef selector
Insert a key signature
Key signature selector
Insert a tempo designation
Insert a special ending
Time signature selector
Insert a dynamic mark
Dynamic selector
Miscellaneous item selector for Tempo Variance and Sustain Pedal marks
Enables remote note entry via MIDI
Opens the Windows Volume Control
Adds a horizontal piano control

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